We are committed

At Juniper we are committed to nurturing the spirit of life in each individual we serve so that they may live fully throughout all seasons of life. To us this means understanding an individual, not only their needs but their desires and responding with programs and services which provide for the highest quality of life possible. Our Alive in All Seasons program of activities is designed to foster healthy bodies, enriched minds and fulfilled spirits. These pictures and stories are living proof that we at Juniper are dedicated to walking our talk!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Patriotic Celebrations

What a beautiful month it has been at Juniper Village of Williamstown. Celebrating of Course with all of our wonderful Patriotic Celebrations for July 4th!  Residents sang out with gusto as we sang our National Anthem and other favorite Patriotic Songs that have always been near and dear in our hearts but now are even more dear and filled with emotion!

We also enjoyed many great celebrations, trips and events honoring our great Nation, Volunteers, and All Who Serve our Nation and Communities every day without expecting anything in return!  It is our great honor to extend our gratitude and demonstrate our appreciation to all of them. Everyone also enjoyed our Annual Community Wide Volunteer Luncheon in which we get to give back to all of these wonderful volunteers by providing a beautiful luncheon with music & so much more!  Everyone had a beautiful time & it was a joyous celebration for all!

We look forward to seeing you next month for our wonderful August Events!

God Bless All of You & God Bless America!

Friday, July 15, 2016

We Love The U.S.A.

This month, as we kicked off our Alive in All Seasons Theme: Volunteerism-"Standing In Integrity", we were proud to host a Patriotic Celebration!  Residents enjoyed great music celebrating the history of our nation, the summer sounds of Neil Diamond, along with dancing, singing, Mr. Softee on site at Juniper, and our wonderful balloon artist Jack!

It was a truly great party, and residents are still smiling and talking about the great day they had!  It was our  honor to kick off the 4th of July Weekend here at Juniper Village of Williamstown, which remembers what a great honor we have to live in FREEDOM in this great nation! We honor all of our Military & those who have served us and sacrificed for us to pay for this great freedom. To you we owe a debt we can never repay!

Join us this month for more great celebrations as we honor our great U.S.A. and all those who serve our nation, as well as our great volunteers who serve all over the world!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

July 2016 Events in Williamstown, NJ: Live in Wellness

Ah...the good old summer time filled with lazy, sunny days, ice cold treats, Independence Day celebrations, and get-togethers at the beach. Another sure indication of summer is our Alive in All Seasons theme of Volunteerism.

July is the perfect month to honor all of the many volunteers who contribute thousands of hours of time in service to our communities. From our four-legged volunteers to those of the two legged variety we are proud to say we receive more than 10,000 hours of precious time each year. We simply could not do it without all of your help, and this month we honor you. We will also be promoting the spirit of volunteerism by volunteering our time to help others. If you have some spare time on your hands consider joining us for a volunteer activity or better yet volunteer your time with us, we’d love to have you. What qualities make a good volunteer? Energy, passion, flexibility, creativity, reliability, commitment and perhaps most important of all – integrity.

Volunteerism benefits all parties involved. In addition to making new friends, volunteering also helps increase your self-confidence, provides a sense of purpose, combats depression and helps you stay physically healthy. Helping others also kindles happiness, as the London School of Economics found the more people volunteered, the happier they were.

In addition to volunteering opportunities, plan to join us during July for our summer celebrations and share our thanks as we honor those who Stand In Integrity with us.

Our fabulous July 2016 events in Williamstown, NJ at Juniper Village at Williamstown include our:

§  Patriotic Tribute Event featuring great Patriotic music, summer refreshments, dancing, and more as we enjoy this kick off to summer with a joyous event and begin the summer living well with family and friends, we will also remember and salute our very brave men and women of our Military across our Nation, and celebrate the sacrificial gift they have given to us of FREEDOM on July 1st at 2:00 pm.

§  Annual Community Wide Volunteer Luncheon as we celebrate our “Alive in All Seasons” theme of: Volunteerism: “Stand In Integrity”, it is a small way in which we can show our great appreciation and gratitude for all they do throughout the year, giving of themselves so freely to our community and others, so join us as we celebrate and honor these great men and women who stand in integrity daily on July 14th at 1:30 pm.

§  “Stand In Integrity” Presentation by Genesis Team as this month the Genesis team will teach us how to stand, bend, and move with proper balance engaging our joints, because learning proper positioning and movement of our joints increases good balance and posture, thereby creating better overall health and quality of life on July 18th at 1:15 pm. 
We look forward to sharing our July 2016 events in Williamstown, NJ at Juniper Village at Williamstown with you as you Live in Wellness.