We are committed

At Juniper we are committed to nurturing the spirit of life in each individual we serve so that they may live fully throughout all seasons of life. To us this means understanding an individual, not only their needs but their desires and responding with programs and services which provide for the highest quality of life possible. Our Alive in All Seasons program of activities is designed to foster healthy bodies, enriched minds and fulfilled spirits. These pictures and stories are living proof that we at Juniper are dedicated to walking our talk!

Friday, August 26, 2016

The Sweet Breath of Life at Juniper of Williamstown

As The month of August comes to a close, we remember all of the joys and wonderful outdoor moments and memories we have created this summer! We enjoyed many opportunities to be out in the beautiful environment, enjoying the Sweet Breath of Life, right here at Juniper Village at Williamstown!

We enjoyed wonderful walks in nature, sweet tea on the patios, watching the hummingbirds as they nurture at the hibiscus flowers and so much more.  We celebrated with fun outdoor parties, and enjoyed our Annual Free Community Wide Shredding Event, where everyone took advantage of clearing out the old to make room for the new, but the most adorable moment of that event was when one of our precious residents saw the donation table and ran over and said, "I would love to make a donation to the Alzheimer's Association!"  That truly was the most touching moment to behold!  Residents also enjoyed going out with their friends and enjoying nature at its best!

In addition, our entire Juniper staff was celebrated with a great BBQ celebration prepared by Ray, our Dining Director and his wonderful team to extend gratitude for our staff receiving our AFA Certification for our Memory Care Program, for Outstanding Care as well as our Advanced Standing Certification for both the Village and Memory Care! In addition a wonderful My Interview Award that we received this month as well.  We are so thankful to our Entire Juniper Team for their Excellence and their achievements!

We also were excited to create a new and beautiful sensory snoozy in room in our Memory Care Building and the residents and families are already expressing how relaxed they feel in this sensory environment!

Join us for September for all of our upcoming events and remember to Breath in Life as you enjoy the last weeks of summer!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Breathe In Life With Joy!

As we cruise to the last month of summer, we decided to celebrate in true summer style!  We will enjoy all that the environment and nature have to share with us in this summer season for as long as we can here at Juniper of Williamstown!

As we focus on our "Alive in All Seasons" theme of the "Environment": "Breathe in Life", we are taking full advantage of being outdoors!  We enjoyed the beauty of visiting a butterfly sanctuary, enjoying bird watching, hikes in the park and more!

We also enjoyed our Annual Back To School Out Reach Event, which donated new bookbags and school supplies for the children going back to school in September.  We celebrated with a full outdoor beach party with live music, refreshments, outdoor arts and of course great summer refreshments with ice cream!  This year the bookbags were donated to Williamstown Middle School and the School Represenative, Maureen was shocked when she and her team saw the generosity and the number of bookbags filled with school supplies they received this year!  It was a summer blast and residents enjoyed a beautiful day outdoors with family and friends!

We will continue on in this month with our Annual Community Wide Free Shredder Event which literally stops traffic in Williamstown!  We have received calls for this event since January 2016!  We look forward to enjoying the rest of this summer in style and we hope you will join us for all of our upcoming events!

Remember to "Breathe In Life In Joy" and take time to enjoy the environment and beauty that surrounds you!

Monday, August 1, 2016

August 2016 Events in Williamstown, NJ: Breathe in Life

Each August we turn our focus to the environment by offering social events and educational opportunities on living a more environmentally sustainable life. By making caring choices and creating helpful habits we can all make a difference to our planet.

Did you know that an aluminum can may remain in its current condition in a landfill for up to 500 years? That same can, when recycled, can end up back on your grocer’s shelf in as little as two months. Recycling that aluminum can also saves energy. Enough energy, in fact, to power your television for three hours! Aluminum can be recycled over, and over and over again – without limit. Americans will use about 2.5 million plastic bottles every thirty minutes. If that bottle is not recycled it can spend the next 450 years or more in a landfill. A modern glass bottle will take about 4,000 years to biodegrade. Glass is 100% recyclable and can be recycled again, and again and again. So, the next time you are enjoying a delicious beverage, be conscious of the packaging and make the choice to recycle.

Join us this month as we promote the environment with a focus on our recycling programs – from annual rummage sales to shredding and more; our educational offerings will help you to support our environment and Breathe in Life!

Our fabulous August 2016 events in Williamstown, NJ at Juniper Village at Williamstown include our:

§  Annual Back To School Community Outreach Event as it is our great joy to have an opportunity to give back to our community throughout the year, and this event is one of our favorites, so please join us for a wonderful fun event with great music, summer refreshments and more, where the ticket in the door is a brand new book bag filled with paper pads, color markers, and pencils, so we can send children back to school with the tools they need to begin their new school year with confidence on August 4th at 2:00 pm.

§  Movement & Breath Technique by Genesis Team as it is our joy to celebrate our “Alive in All Seasons” theme of the Environment this month, and in keeping with this theme, we are pleased to have our Genesis Team give this educational presentation because as we all know movement is vital for everyone to remain mobile and keep our joints flexible, and as we engage in movement of our bodies it is critical to learn proper breathing techniques while engaged in movement, so our Genesis team will demonstrate the best way to create proper oxygen flow as we move through our daily routines as well as fitness, so join us as we learn together on August 15th at 1:15 pm.

§  Annual Community Free Shredder Event as every year this event has been one of our most successful events, and we have chosen to provide this free service to our area community to assist in providing a safe and secure place to have your personal paperwork and documents shredded, so join us as we enjoy music, refreshments and free shredding, and let’s clean up our homes and community and together keep our environment refreshed on August 18th at 10:00 am.

We look forward to sharing our August 2016 events in Williamstown, NJ at Juniper Village at Williamstown with you as you Breathe in Life.